Weight loss can be difficult. The thought of going through hunger, dissatisfaction and limited food choices makes dieting such a chore, not to mention it can be costly. Imagine trying the Jenny Craig Program, the Atkins diet, Slim Fast and more, only to find out that not one of them work for you. That’s why the Savannah clinic aims to provide more information to help you choose the best weight loss option for you.

All About Starvation

Fasting is never the answer because it slows down your metabolism. If you want to lose weight, you want to speed up your metabolism, not slow it down. Starving the body of much-needed nutrients could weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to all sorts of diseases.

All About Equilibrium

Unlike the starvation diet, you won’t be fasting on the Equilibrium Diet. It may seem so with the low-calorie diet that accompanies the hCG injections, but it doesn’t work the same way as the starvation diet. The hCG hormone is injected into your system to speed up your metabolism and trigger fat burning. This helps make your weight loss more permanent. The Equilibrium Diet is also good for people who don’t have the time to exercise, as you can still lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days without lifting a single weight.

Our Recommendation

The Savannah clinic stands behind the Equilibrium diet against the starvation diet. It promises fantastic results without the nausea, dizziness, hair loss, calcium deficiency, and etc., which accompany crash diets. Contact us now to learn more about Equilibrium!


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