shutterstock_234872419People assume that a lifestyle change is all about diet and exercise. These are two of the major components, but there are also other things to consider as well. If you’re in it for the long haul, you must make a complete change not a selective change. So how do you complete the lifestyle change?

1. Sleep more.

Don’t just have 8-9 hours of sleep a day. It’s not enough that you’re sleeping x amount of hours. The quality of your sleep matters to. Get to bed at a reasonable hour and meditate for a few minutes before sleeping. This will help you clear your mind and enter REM sleep for better recovery.

2. Drink at least a gallon of water a day

The body is made up of mostly water. Why wouldn’t it need a lot of water to sustain itself? It makes perfect sense to hydrate more than you think you need to because the body is constantly in need of more fluids. If you don’t get it enough in whole foods, make sure you have at least a gallon a day.

3. Keep stress at a minimum

Prolonged periods of stress cause adrenal fatigue. When you have adrenal fatigue, the metabolism slows down. It affects the metabolism of carbs, proteins and fats. When this happens, weight loss is compromised.

There you have it! 3 easy lifestyle changes you can make right now that can help change your life for the better. Contact our clinic now to find out more!


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