It’s no secret that desserts and pastries are a big no-no when dieting. All the sugar, preservatives and butter don’t make it a good value for your calorie. Just a slice of cake can easily set you back 500 calories, more if it’s a high fat option like cheesecake. To make your desserts much healthier, try substituting with these ingredients:

1. Unsweetened applesauce

Instead of butter, use unsweetened applesauce or the no sugar added applesauce variety to add moisture to your goods. Don’t worry, it won’t even taste like applesauce, so if the recipe doesn’t call for apple flavor, it won’t really interfere with the flavor profile of your finished product.

2. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein. Substitute sour cream with greek yogurt to increase protein content and to lower the fat content, if you’re using a low-fat or fat-free yogurt. This will make your batter moist and the yogurt will ensure that you won’t miss the tang of sour cream.

3. Coconut Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Oat Flour

All-purpose flour is one of the easiest to substitute because you have so many options: oat flour, coconut flour and buckwheat flour are just some ideas. Oat flour is quite possibly the easiest because you can make your own. Simple choose your preferred type of oats and blend it in a grinder or blender such as the magic bullet until it resembles flour.

4. Banana

Bananas are also great for adding moisture to desserts and pastries. Overripe bananas can also be used as a natural sweetener instead of brown sugar or white sugar. The fructose in bananas is natural, whereas the fructose in sodas isn’t, so don’t be afraid of fruits. They are full of vitamins, flavors, color and flavor.

These are just some ideas to kickstart your baking career the healthy way. You don’t even have to apply these substitutions to yourself; try them on your kids’ recipes as well. Being healthy doesn’t have to start once you’re an adult! Influence the youngsters as well. Contact us now for more information!


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