Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean everyone around you is too. This makes it a bit harder for you stay on track at times because you may feel like you’re alone or isolated. Don’t fret, you are certainly not alone, and you are definitely not isolated. Just because you aren’t on the same path to wellness as everyone doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it to reap the rewards. There are ways around temptation that can help you stay on your diet without breaking the bank (or the button on your jeans)!

1. When going to movie theatre, bring your own air-popped popcorn from home.

Popcorn sold by the movie theatre is usually drenched in butter, salt, cheese, barbecue, sour cream and many more. Sodium isn’t much of a problem, but just a tablespoon of butter is already more than 100 calories without you even knowing it. Air-pop your own and snack away without the guilt. A cup is just around 30 calories!

2. Make your own chocolate.

You’ll need a few ingredients: cacao nibs, oil or butter, or water. Simply melt the cacao nibs in your liquid of choice and freeze (if water) or chill (if butter or oil). Store-bought chocolate is usually loaded with refined sugar, so the calories will quickly add up. Just be mindful of your portions and create bite sized pieces instead of regular candy bar sizes.

3. Pizza the low-carb, low-fat way is much better than your neighborhood pizza parlor’s offerings. Pizza is a calorie nightmare, there’s just no way around it. So how do you indulge in one of America’s favorites without obliterating your diet? Swap out the crust for a low-carb, high-fiber wrap, no sugar added tomato sauce or paste and low-fat or fat-free cheese. Keep the toppings strictly veggies to keep the calorie count down. You can easily create a tasty pizza for under 100 calories if you get creative

4. Ditch the diet sodas and zero-cal sodas because they are loaded with chemicals. Try to infuse your water with a few fruits and leave to soak for a few hours or even overnight. Or if you want some more variety, try flavored stevia drops in your water for more options.


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